Strengthening a diverse officer corps to enhance operational readiness in the sea services
The 2021 Enlisted to Officer Brief
The OCS Breakout Session led by LT Gerhardt:
Enlisted to Officer Virtual Show
Resources and References:
CNRC has started to accept applications for the AVO Warrant Program. Application deadline will be 25JUN21 and the board will commence 02Aug21. Applications can be emailed to officerapplications@navy.mil. Click the AVO (WO1) button for the Fact Sheet.
If there are any questions about the application process or about requesting waivers, those should be directed to Mr. Paul Celestin at CNRC (paul.celestin@navy.mil).
To take the OAR or ASTB, Contact your local Navy Talent Acquisition Group (formally known as Navy Recruiting Districts). The test is heavy on Math and Reading comprehension so start studying now!
Minimum scores for SWO is 44, Supply 45, and Intel 50. More details are listed under the Program authorizations on MyNavyHR.
Those local to San Diego can contact NTAG Southwest's Lead Officer Processer:
Ms. Randi Dozier, 619-524-6765 Randi.T.Dozier@Navy.mil
SDSU offers a Military Special Mission Program granting automatic admission for a select amount of veterans transitioning out of the Military.
For more information contact LCDR (Ret) Holly Shaffner or email Zach Auvil who was recently accepted into the program at Zach.Auvil@Gmail.com.
The San Diego Chapter of theNational Naval Officer Association streamed the 2021 Enlisted to Officer Brief Thursday, May 20th at 1300 PDT via Youtube Live. More than 550 Sailors registered to attend, over 300 views and more than 30 Naval Officers gave their time to support. The discussion included the eligibility for General and Medical commissioning programs and updated information applicants should know when applying-- as well as advice from Admiral Philip Sobeck who touched on the importance of Mentorship and Networking.
Naval Officers who have commissioned through LDO/CWO, OCS, Naval Academy, DCO, STA-21, MECP, MSC-IPP, HSCP/HPSP, and NCP led breakout sessions via Zoom sharing their lessons learned, crucial advice, and answered a variety of questions from Sailors .
The conversations shifted over to community-based discussions to discuss career paths with Mustangs and Officers from almost every community filling essential roles in the San Diego area, and beyond.
Sailors don't always have the opportunity to work directly with Naval Officers from smaller LDO/CWO communities and restricted line like JAG, Intel, PAO, Aerospace, METOC etc., so Wardroom members looked forward to dedicating a couple hours to help better prepare Sailors apply and gain a commission.